Monday, January 3, 2011

Our Year 2010~

Top Ten of 2010
1. Moving back to Tennessee
2. Buying my first car
3. Making new friends in Jackson
4. Watching our house be built
5. Moving into our new house (Brett lost the keys five times)
6. Full year of our big girl/ big boy jobs
7. Traveling to Savannah,Vegas, Gatlinburg
8. Weddings
9. Alyse and Rusty got engaged!
10.Steeplechase, Sips N Strokes, 1 year anniversary, and my mom finally got facebook!

Thank you God for all of the blessings and lessons learned in 2010! I pray that 2011 can only get better!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011

I am so excited about starting a new year! I love the feeling of a fresh beginning. We drove (imagine that, us driving somewhere!) to Chattanooga Thursday night, picked up Bree and Jimmy Friday morning, then drove down to Jessica and Jeremy's house in Atlanta. I was really surprised at how short the drive was from Chatt to Atl. We went to a placed called Seasons 52 for dinner. It was so delicious. I had the salmon and veggies, yum! Then we went to Lenox Grille to hang out until midnight. It was so nice to catch up with my friends. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful friends I made in college and for the fact that no matter how many miles apart we are, we still find ways to see each other every now and then!

Here are some pictures from our last night out in 2010! Thanks to Jessica and Jeremy for having us! We had so much fun!

Merry Christmas from every direction in Tennessee~

After the holiday I decided to change the name of our blog to "Life in the Smalley Lane." I did this because we are ALWAYS traveling! Since 2007 we have driven all over Tennessee to spend Christmas with our families. Our dog, Teddy is even an expert traveler now! Consider yourselves very lucky if much travel is not included in your holiday season! I love it, but it's really starting to wear me out!

This year we started out in Chattanooga then came back to Jackson and from Jackson we went to South Fulton.

Here are a few pictures!